Culture and Mathematical Education as Law, Possibility, Creativity and Means of Learning

Culture and Mathematical Education as Law, Possibility, Creativity and Means of Learning


  • Jefferson Correia da Conceição UNEB/DCET II - F.SS.S



 This article presents reflections about possible articulations of studies between the themes - Culture and Mathematics Education in a school context chosen for research. It highlights an overview of theoretical discussions on the issue from various scholars on the subject. It analyzes the specific literature with regard to the objectives, importance and updates on the themes. The research is configured as bibliographic and field. The data were analyzed by reading specific bibliographies, observations and the testimonies of the participants. The initial results showed relevant perceptions for the adoption of themes for school studies, although the interviewees did not present or clearly showed interlocutions on both subjects. It was concluded that, through articulated studies on Culture and Mathematical Education, it is possible to stimulate, motivate and involve students much more with the pedagogical actions offered in the researched school unit, as a starting point and stimulus for students, especially with regard to to mathematical knowledge, with a more dynamic, active and pleasant texture, even with the need for adjustments throughout the process, which is understood as natural. 


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How to Cite

Correia da Conceição, J. (2021). Culture and Mathematical Education as Law, Possibility, Creativity and Means of Learning. Revista Sergipana De Matemática E Educação Matemática, 6(1), 87–107.