Impact of the outlier in the mean and median line: teachers’ reflections

Impact of the outlier in the mean and median line: teachers’ reflections




This article presents research developed in a context of continuing education, experienced by teachers who teach mathematics for the final years of elementary and high school. It is a qualitative study through which it seeks to interpret the professional knowledge made explicit by a group of 12 teachers from their participation in one of the activities of their qualification process. The data collected are analysed based on studies that discuss the knowledge necessary for teaching mathematics and reflect upon teaching practice. The interpretation of the participants' dialogues allows us to infer the increase in the level of literacy concerning the measures of central tendency (MCT) and the development of common and specialised content knowledge, especially from the reflection on whether the MCT are affected by outliers and whether they should be used to compose the data.


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Author Biographies

Angelica Da Fontoura Garcia Silva, Universidade Anhanguera de São Paulo - UNIAN

Professora do pós graduação em educação matemática da Unian desde 2007

Tiago Augusto Alves, Universidade Anhanguera de São Paulo - UNIAN

Mestre em Educação Matemática pela Universidade Anhanguera de São Paulo

Marta Élid Amorim, Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS

Professora da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, Programa de Pós-graduação em Matemática – PROFMAT, SE, Brasil



How to Cite

Garcia Silva, A. D. F., Alves, T. A. ., & Amorim, M. Élid. (2021). Impact of the outlier in the mean and median line: teachers’ reflections. Revista Sergipana De Matemática E Educação Matemática, 6(1), 107–123.