Statistical Literacy and the dollar street database: a proposal for the early years of the Elementar School

Statistical Literacy and the dollar street database: a proposal for the early years of the Elementar School


  • Roberta Buehring Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC
  • Regina Célia Grando Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC
  • Ana Paula Canavarro Universidade de Évora



Our argument is that statistical literacy is necessary for the integration of people in the literate culture. We believe that statistical literacy develops throughout life, beginning in the early years of school. As teachers and teacher educators, the question we pursue is how to develop statistical literacy so that children can be protagonists in dealing with data and can establish connections between real data and their own lives. We began by bringuing reflections on statistical literacy in the light of several authors and we define it as a place of peaceful frontier, “literacy - statistics” in which languages ​​and cultures complement each other. Then, we present the Dollar Street virtual and interactive database, its ideology and navigation possibilities. After, we report a classroom experience taking advantage of that database with a second year class of a primary school. Children revealed a willingness to actively participate in an open nature statistical research, observing data in context according to their interests, implementing different ways of classifying, and developing their critical sense, including the perception of the limitations of the samples and the consequences on what these show, about who they represent. This is inferred through the analysis of the dialogues between the participants of the experience, in relation to the data, as well as their ways of interpreting and dealing with the multivariate data. This work shows that statistical literacy is not a point of arrival, but a path traced in a connected way with written, oral and digital languages.


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How to Cite

Buehring, R., Grando, R. C. ., & Canavarro, A. P. . (2021). Statistical Literacy and the dollar street database: a proposal for the early years of the Elementar School. Revista Sergipana De Matemática E Educação Matemática, 6(1), 147–168.