Entre conceito e símbolo: os poderes espiritual e temporal em Henry Thoreau


  • Suzy Meire Faustino Universidade do Estado de São Paulo


Thoreau, Walden, Civil Disobedience, Temporal power, Spiritual Power


This article proposes an intersection between symbols and literary representations and the concepts of spiritual and temporal powers in American essayist Henry Thoreau’s Walden (1854) and Civil Disobedience (1849). We suggest and presuppose that both works are in dialogue with the notions of order in the soul and in society, respectively. The main hypothesis allowed us to conceive two dimensions in Thoreau’s essays: the spiritual sphere, which is symbolically identified with nature, and the temporal dimension, which concerns State and society. Thus, we will consider two symbolic operators in the interpretation: verticality and horizontality. Critics and theorists as Voegelin (2002), Bachelard (1990; 1989a; 1989b), Guénon (1995; 2001), Marx (2000), Lane (1960), Paul (1958), Hildebidle (2007), Turner (2009) contribute to this study.

Author Biography

Suzy Meire Faustino, Universidade do Estado de São Paulo

Doutoranda em Letras (estudos literários) na UNESP/São José do Rio Preto.


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How to Cite

FAUSTINO, Suzy Meire. Entre conceito e símbolo: os poderes espiritual e temporal em Henry Thoreau. A Palo Seco – Escritos de Filosofia e Literatura, São Cristóvão-SE: GeFeLit, n. 16, p. 70–88, 2023. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufs.br/apaloseco/article/view/n16p70. Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.