

A Cajueiro Magazine: Ciência da Informação e Cultura da Leitura, linked to the Electronic System of Journals Editing Platform of the Federal University of Sergipe (SEER-UFS), published by PLENA: Research Group in Reading, Writing and Narrative, available in electronic version ( E-ISSN- 2595-9379), makes public call for papers, as designated. The main authors will be a PHD in Information Science or in the area of ​​Applied Social Sciences in general, Education or Information Systems, and who have interest and availability to collaborate with unpublished work for this newspaper. The maximum term of the appraisal will be 90 days, provided that the publication will respect the periodicity of the magazine.


As of volume 5, the Cajueiro Magazine alters its periodicity to quadrimonthly, in observance of the principles of scientific communication qualify for QUALIS / CAPES.


The texts must be ORIGINAL ARTICLES (UNPUBLISHED) or REVIEW ARTICLES (UNPUBLISHED). Papers must be written in technical language, with a minimum length of 10 pages and a maximum of 15 pages. The Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish works that do not comply with these parameters. Book Reviews cannot exceed the 10-page limit. The works will be submitted for appreciation by the Editorial Board of the Journal, which, upon prior opinion of the Advisory Board, will accept or not the publication, through the peer review system, double blind review , blind review (WHEN THE MAXIMUM DEADLINE FOR EVALUATION IS OF 90 DAYS - from the date of submission of the text). The decision will be communicated via email to the authors.   

The articles will be examined by members of the scientific committee or Ad hoc advisors , taking into account the following criteria: a) scientific relevance; b) originality of the work in Brazilian and international production; c) theoretical and practical foundation; d) emphasis on the journal's critical character and editorial mission; e) technical-scientific accuracy of the content presented. Each text will receive an opinion containing the following recommendations: a) indicate it for publication; b) indicate for publication, provided that the indicated revisions are carried out; c) deny publication. Each work will be examined by three different reviewers. The criteria that will support the analysis will be: a) scientific relevance, b) originality, c) conciseness and clarity in the texts presented. The information and concepts issued in signed articles are the sole responsibility of their authors. The journal will be published every six months. The works must be delivered, exclusively, electronically, in the specific field of the website, otherwise the work will not be accepted for analysis.  

In the case of texts whose object of research presupposes the need for approval by the "Ethics Committee", this will be considered an essential prerequisite, there must first be such submission as a condition of evaluation of the respective text, given that if there is no such approval, the same it will be absolutely harmed, and its processing in the evaluation process will be impeded.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission's compliance with all of the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

2.1 As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission's compliance with all items listed below: 

  • The main author of the text must have a doctoral degree. You must have registered and updated the Lattes Curriculum and your ORCID registration.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors.
  • Declaration of Conflicts of Interest must be included in “Comments to the editor”. Conflicts of interest can arise when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that are not completely apparent, but that can influence their judgments about what is published. The conflict of interest can be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial. Financial interests may include: employment, consultancies, fees, expert attestation, grants or patents received or pending, royalties, research funds, shared ownership, pay for speaking or travel, business support consultancies for personnel.
  • When authors submit an article, they must acknowledge in the manuscript all financial support for the work and other financial or personal connections in relation to the research.
  • The author is aware that the submitted articles, in the event of approval, may be published in the next issues of Revista Cajueiro: Information Science and Reading Culture, maintaining their availability or informing their withdrawal in advance.  
  • Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

2.2 The submission file must be saved in DOC or DOCX format.   

2.3 URLs for referrals will be provided when necessary. 

2.4 The text uses a 12-point font; figures and tables are included in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments. 

2.5 The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors , on the About the Journal page.  

2.6 In case of submission to a peer reviewed section (eg articles), the instructions available in Ensuring blind peer review were followed. 

2.7 The original text will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. If the author cannot send the full translation into the second language (which will be English or Portuguese), Revista Cajueiro will offer automatic translation.    

2.8 The author will imperatively accept the Creative Commons license , individually attributed to his article, agreeing with such condition when applying for publication in Revista Cajueiro .  



Revista Cajueiro is edited by PLENA: Research Group on Reading, Writing and Narrative, in electronic format. It is published by the Electronic Journal Publishing System of the Federal University of Sergipe. It is a biannual scientific journal, whose main objective is to promote the dissemination, democratization and strengthening of research in Information Science, with an emphasis on the contemplation of the objects and objectives related to the formation of readers and the culture of reading, in all its aspects and social environments, as well as observing the positive repercussions of reader habits and tastes in society. It also aims to expand the dialogue with the international scientific community and contribute to the development of society, in the ways of reading.  

3.1 All contributions will be submitted for evaluation by the editorial committee, which will take into account both the adequacy of the journal's profile and editorial line, as well as the content and quality of the work. Some of the formats (Articles, Essays, Reviews) will also be evaluated by reviewers in the field of work after being approved by the editorial committee . 

3.2 The Magazine Cashew publish works written in Portuguese , English and Spanish. Eventually, works in French will be accepted, in which case the evaluation of the work and the viability of the publication will be evaluated by the editorial committee, and the translations requested or made possible with automatic resources will be respectively in Portuguese and English.     

3.3 The spontaneous remittance of any unpublished collaboration automatically implies the transfer of copyright (reproduction/dissemination) to A Revista Cajueiro . The journal's rights are reserved, the subsequent circulation of these works in digital support or other media and supports is authorized, under the condition that the original publication in Revista Cajueiro is mentioned . Subsequent publications of the same work in other languages ​​require prior authorization from Revista Cajueiro and identification of the source (eliminating the unpublished character of the new publication).      

3.4 Concepts and opinions expressed in published works are the sole responsibility of the authors, not necessarily reflecting the opinion of the editorial committee. 


4. SECTIONS      


The Journal Cashew accepts contributions in continuous flow to the following sections:  

v Review Articles 

o Dissertations and Theses (Information Science and Related Areas)  

v Original Articles and Essays 

o Documentation and Information Management  

o Reader Training and Reading Culture  

o History and Editorial Culture  

o Public Reading, Equipment, Guidelines and Policies  

o Reading and Literacy Mediation  

o Graphical Sequential Narrative under analysis  

o Interdisciplinary Theme in Information Science  

v Biography 

v Letters (no indexing or DOI) 

v Columns  

the Advocacy & Lobby   

the Opinion Paper   

v Scientific Communication 

v Interviews 

v Case Studies and Research Reports 

v Tribute 

v Graphical Sequential Narrative on display 

v National and International Programs and Projects 

v Review 

v Reviews 

 Attention: WE DO NOT RECEIVE PRINTED WORKS, whether via mail or by hand. WE WILL ONLY RECEIVE THROUGH OUR PORTAL. If you have any questions, please contact us at <>.  




5.1 Originals for application: Must be unpublished, indicate title, abstract between 200 and 250 words and a list of 4 keywords (separated by point). Papers must have a maximum of 8,000 words, including references and notes. Exceptional cases will be evaluated by the editorial committee.     

5.2 Formal Evaluation : The article or essay that meets the standards mentioned above will be evaluated by the editorial committee and, if approved, will be evaluated by two/two referees in the area. The result of the opinions may be: “Publication without revision”; “Publication after minor stylistic or textual revisions”; “Publication only after substantive revisions”; or “Reject”. In case the opinions are divergent, the commission may send the work to a third party reviewer in the area.    

5.3 Qualitative Evaluation : The quality of the text and its translations will be evaluated by the editorial committee. It is recommended that, before submitting it, the authors make it undergo a particular technical review, preferably a professor with a PhD who is familiar with the theoretical propositions of the text.     

5.4 Reports : The Magazine Cashew publishes reports of institutions related to information science and related fields, such as graduate programs, associations, groups and research centers etc. , in its Section Letters . It is recommended that the reports present the institution in a succinct and informative way for readers, in texts that should not exceed 1,200 words.      

5. 5 Formatting : The works must be typed in A4 page, font Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 cm spacing, with 2.5 cm left/right margins, 3 cm header/footer, in Microsoft Word format (. doc or .docx ). In case of doubt, an already published issue of Revista Cajueiro can be consulted as an example, safeguarding the updating of technical standards. The closer to the publication format, the faster the publication will be possible.   

5.6 Notes : The notes are framed according to the standard of the ABNT NBR 10520 standard. They must be included in the footer of the page and restricted to the minimum possible, preferably intended to provide clarifications or make considerations that do not fit in the logical sequence of the text.   

5.7 References : The references of the consulted sources should preferably come at the end of the work, listed in alphabetical order, following the rules of ABNT NBR 6023/2018.   






 The submission of papers will be done solely through the website. Access < index.php /Cajueiro/login> in an existing account or register < index.php /Cajueiro/ user / register > a new account .

 When logging in, your communication will be directed to the User Page, in which you should click on [New submission].

The submission process is divided into five steps. The author must complete all steps properly. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in the rejection of the work. The optional fields for filling in will be indicated.

6.1 Five Steps  


A. Start: Choose Section , accept the Conditions for Submission, the Copyright Statement and write Comments to the Editor (optional).     

B. Manuscript Transfer. Attach the work (in format. Doc ,. Docx ) on the site and click Download.      

C. Inclusion of Metadata . Information on Authors, Author Inclusion (if any), Title and Abstract, Indexing, Sponsoring Agencies (if any) and References.       

D. Transfer of Supplemental Documents. When the illustrations, graphs or tables are presented with an impeditive size or other extraordinary condition, this resource can be used to send them.     

E. Confirmation: check previous steps and complete submission.      


6.2 Privacy Policy  


All personal data reported to Revista Cajueiro: Ciência da Informação and Cultura da Leitura will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.  


  • Edital de Publicação Dossiê



    Revista Cajueiro: Ciência da Informação e Cultura da Leitura, vinculada à Plataforma do Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS), editada pelo PLENA: Grupo de Pesquisa em Leitura, Escrita e Narrativa, disponível em versão eletrônica (E-ISSN- 2595-9379), torna pública a chamada para candidatura de contribuições, em formato de artigo, como designado nessa notícia, para publicação SEMESTRAL, a partir de seu volume 5. Os autores principais serão doutores em Ciência da Informação ou na área das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas em geral, Educação ou Sistemas de Informação, e que tenham interesse e disponibilidade para colaborar com trabalhos inéditos para esse periódico. Opção para que um dos autores seja doutor, em caso de pesquisas concluídas, de material inédito. O prazo máximo de avaliação será de 90 dias, sendo que a publicação respeitará a periodicidade da revista. Os originais serão submetidos ao aplicativo Turnitin, para verificação de similaridades, como critério de seleção.

    Os dossiês propostos são os seguintes:

    Dossiê 1 – Inteligência artificial, leitura e literatura.

    Editoração: Profa. Dra. Niliane Aguiar

    Dossiê 2 – Leitura, diversidade e acessibilidade.

    Editoração: Prof. Dra. Valéria Bari

    Determina-se o prazo máximo para participação nos dossiês propostos, em 27 de setembro de 2024.


    Read more about Edital de Publicação Dossiê