Expanding the Frontiers of Imagination: Articulations between Children's Literature and Probability

Expanding the Frontiers of Imagination: Articulations between Children's Literature and Probability


  • Emilly Diniz Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE
  • José Ivanildo Felisberto de Carvalho Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE




The present study analyzed catalogs of literary works with the purpose of mapping and discussing children's literature involving conceptual notions about probability. We reflected on the use of Children's Literature as a resource in mathematics classes; besides discussing the teaching of Probability in the early years of Elementary School. This study analyzed catalogs from 21 publishers and identified 12 children's literature books that have potential for teaching Probability and Statistics; of these, we identified that only 2 books presented Probability concepts, they are: Shall we guess? (JEONG, 2010) and A spider and the candy store (SO, 2011). We carry out documentary exploration of books that present probabilistic concepts, proceeding with the full reading of the books and investigating the concepts of Probability addressed, articulating with the theoretical contributions on the teaching of Probability. These books present engaging narratives, captivating illustrations and probabilistic contexts pertinent to the early years of elementary school. However, both books present several conceptual weaknesses about probability, for example, representations that often do not characterize a correct sample space, or the different moments when the characters make decisions based on divinations, opinions or personal taste, regardless of the analysis of the chances relevant to probabilistic reasoning.


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How to Cite

Diniz, E. ., & Felisberto de Carvalho, J. I. (2021). Expanding the Frontiers of Imagination: Articulations between Children’s Literature and Probability. Revista Sergipana De Matemática E Educação Matemática, 6(1), 317–338. https://doi.org/10.34179/revisem.v6i1.14783