Informação na pandemia
ações inovadoras no âmbito do Sistema Penitenciário Paulista
Communication. Information. Innovation. Penitentiary System. Public Management.Abstract
The strategies and actions adopted by the Penitentiary Administration Secretariat to contain the COVID-19 proliferation in the prison system of São Paulo State are presented. Information and communication for the population through the media were essential to face the pandemic. Efforts have been made to strengthen surveillance and health care. New demands have emerged in the scope of public management, revealing the need for innovation in the prison sector, with information and communication technologies standing out in this context, one of the main tools. In this sense, this work aims to analyze the actions implemented by the São Paulo State Penitentiary Administration Department, regarding the visitation/contact between reeducated and their families during the pandemic in the first half of 2020, in order to contribute to better control regarding contagion and spread of COVID-19. Regarding methodological procedures, the research is of the descriptive-exploratory type, of a qualitative nature. Data collection focused on the documents and information made available on the Portal of the Penitentiary Administration Secretariat. In addition, tests were performed on the “Family Connection” system. As a result, the efficiency of the actions implemented were evidenced, aiming to control the contact with the reeducated, in relation to "Message via form" and "Virtual visit".
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