The Effect of Intensive Authentic Reading Tasks on Reading Performance of Academic IELTS Test Takers


  • Maria Shobeiry University of Tehran, Thran, Iran.



Intensive reading; authentic materials; schema theory; reading comprehension instructional strategies


This study aimed at investigating the effect of employing intensive reading (IR) authentic tasks as supplementary materials on reading comprehension development of Academic IELTS test takers within the framework of schema theory and three instructional models of reading strategies suggested by Pearson and Duke (2009). Participants of this study consist of 81 individuals comprising 41 male and 40 female language learners at pre-advanced level of English proficiency with the age range of 25 to 37 among which 42  were categorized as the experimental group which received IR treatment and the rest of 39 ,who are considered as control group, that did not receive IR treatment. The experimental group was further divided into two subgroups which each received the same IR authentic tasks with different instructional methods to teaching reading strategies.  The results of an ANCOVA analysis illustrated a significant positive influence of authentic IR treatments on the development of participants' reading comprehension skills. However, an independent one-way t-test revealed that Pearson's and Duke's (2009) various instructional methods were not significantly influential on participants' final reading proficiency development.


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Biografia do Autor

Maria Shobeiry , University of Tehran, Thran, Iran.

PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics, Department of Foreign Language Studies, University of Tehran, Thran, Iran.



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Como Citar

Shobeiry , M. (2020). The Effect of Intensive Authentic Reading Tasks on Reading Performance of Academic IELTS Test Takers. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 1–15.



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