The problem of structural ambiguity in Psycholinguistics


  • Leyla Khanbutayeva Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL). Baku, Azerbaijan.



Psycholinguistics. Structural ambiguity. Acoustic parameters of syntagm. Syntactic units. Experimental-phonetic method.


The present article is devoted to the investigation of structural ambiguity in English. Investigation has been carried out on specifically selected sentences containing structural ambiguity. Ambiguity is the inner feature of every language. We come across the process of ambiguity in both spoken and written discourse. Ambiguity has been a topic of interest not only for linguists but also for psycholinguists. The interest in the study of the decoding of the meaning of the sentence can be considered a new sphere in general linguistics. Here a great attention has been paid to the experimental-phonetic analysis of the ambiguous sentences.


Biografia do Autor

Leyla Khanbutayeva, Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL). Baku, Azerbaijan.

Professor at the Department of English Grammar, Azerbaijan University of Languages (AUL). Baku, Azerbaijan.



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Como Citar

Khanbutayeva, L. (2020). The problem of structural ambiguity in Psycholinguistics. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 1–17.



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