The development of teachers’ professional competence within the conditions of modernization of the educational environment
Constructivist Approach. Cognitive and Localized Approaches. Mentoring. Skills. Competence.Resumo
The academic paper has determined that the teachers’ competences can be considered as the result of Europeanization process, which has been formed in the education of teachers over the past 20 years. It has been investigated that the issue of teacher’s competence required a strong political commitment regarding the combination of the teacher’s competence and the teacher’s career models. It has been revealed that in EU countries there has been a transition from a static approach and a dynamic approach in the development of teachers’ professional competence. It has been revealed that both the development and implementation of the competence framework of teachers require taking into account the national and institutional context. This investigation is focused on the evolution of teachers’ competence frameworks based on policy documents. Their impact on teachers’ quality and, indirectly, on students’ performance can be explored in future research.
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