Developing leadership qualities in students of the Military Academy during the study of specialism-related disciplines using a foreign language


  • Oleh M. Masliy Military Academy. Odessa, Ukraine.
  • Vasyl M. Heorhiiev Military Academy. Odessa, Ukraine.
  • Vasyl I. Babak Military Academy. Odessa, Ukraine.
  • Ievgeniia A. Ivanchenko Military Academy. Odessa, Ukraine.
  • Nataliia Ya. Bachynska Military Academy. Odessa, Ukraine.



Leadership Qualities, Military Students, Military Academy, English-Language-Taught Leadership Programme, Specialism-Related Disciplines.


The purpose of the study was to identify what influence the leadership program delivered in English and using the specialism content has on the Military Academy students’ leadership qualities. The study utilised quantitative and qualitative research methods to draw the data from the adapted Leadership Qualities Test for the Military Officers and a semi-structured interview. The pre-intervention measurement of English language level was also performed. The literature review helped identify the variables for the study. These were leadership qualities such as risk-taking and decision-making capabilities, assertiveness, transformational leadership, resourcefulness, personality features, and a foreign language. The data yielded from the measurements suggested that the leadership programs delivered in English and based on the specialism-related content contributed to fostering the qualities of leadership of the Military Academy students. It was also found that the program enhanced the students’ risk-taking and decision-making capabilities, assertiveness, transformational leadership, resourcefulness, personality features. The above findings were supported by the responses from the focus group interview. The questioned students reported that they generally positively perceived of the program. The reasoning for these perceptions was that it was challenging, practical and resourceful. Moreover, the program appeared to be a fruitful experience for them as they learned from distinguished practitioners.


Biografia do Autor

Oleh M. Masliy, Military Academy. Odessa, Ukraine.

Training Department, Military Academy, Odessa, Ukraine.


Vasyl M. Heorhiiev, Military Academy. Odessa, Ukraine.

Airborne Training Department, Faculty of Airborne Assault Troops Specialists Training, Military Academy, Odessa, Ukraine.


Vasyl I. Babak, Military Academy. Odessa, Ukraine.

Airborne Training Department, Faculty of Airborne Assault Troops Specialists Training, Military Academy, Odessa, Ukraine.


Ievgeniia A. Ivanchenko, Military Academy. Odessa, Ukraine.

Department of Fundamental Sciences, Military Academy, Odessa, Ukraine.



Nataliia Ya. Bachynska, Military Academy. Odessa, Ukraine.

Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Training Specialists in Military Intelligence and Special Purpose, Military Academy, Odessa, Ukraine.



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Como Citar

Masliy, O. M. ., Heorhiiev, V. M. ., Babak, V. I. ., Ivanchenko, I. A. ., & Bachynska, N. Y. . (2020). Developing leadership qualities in students of the Military Academy during the study of specialism-related disciplines using a foreign language. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 1–18.



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