Biblioteca universitária e sanção por atraso na devolução de documentos: punir ou educar

qual é o projeto?


  • Silvio Marcos Dias Santos Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF


Biblioteca Universitária, :Biblioteconomia e Ensino Superior, Sanções


The study addresses the sanctions that are applied in libraries with the aim of punishing users who delay in returning documents, with a focus on libraries in Brazilian federal public universities. The forms of recurrent sanctions will be identified, describing, and analyzing how these are processed in different libraries, in addition to reflecting on the reality of librarian professionals regarding the lack of commitment to continuing education, as well as, for the development of critical reflections, capable of elaborating educational programs that involve the community. From a descriptive and exploratory research. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the normative instruments elaborated by university libraries by themselves do not present sufficiently clear texts; that use suspension and fines as the predominant sanctioning tool and that these practices in general are not included in educational programs for the formation of citizenship and social responsibility, as it limits the punishment process to a mechanical act of coercion to unpunctual users.


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Author Biography

Silvio Marcos Dias Santos, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF

Doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal Fluminense
(2018). Mestre em Ciência da Informação pela UFBA (2010). LATTES ID: ORCID ID:


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How to Cite

Santos, S. M. D. (2022). Biblioteca universitária e sanção por atraso na devolução de documentos: punir ou educar: qual é o projeto?. Revista Cajueiro: Ciência Da Informação E Cultura Da Leitura, 3(2), 82–111. Retrieved from