



With this article I propose a discussion around the idea of ​​“political literacy” as a conceptual basis for a more democratic linguistic education in the sense of valuing linguistic uses, not necessarily schooled from the traditional point of view, but that reflect identities and subjectivities. I defend, within what studies in Critical Linguistic Policies have been debating (SEVERO, 2013; IRVINE, 2008; MAKONI; PENNYCOOK, 2007) a different look that is detached from the historically legitimate discourses, in the sense of favoring an emancipatory (linguistic) education, which promote the freedom of social groups historically subordinated and subjected to various forms of violence and prejudice. I propose, inspired by Agamben (2007), a “profanation” regarding the traditional ways of carrying out linguistic education, taking into account, necessarily, the issues that most tension social relations in modern times: race, gender, class, migratory issues, corporealities, among others. The objective, therefore, would be to guide language education in a decolonial (QUIJANO, 2015) and interdisciplinary way, promoting political literacy (COSSON, 2019) in society, so that what is now treated as a problem, the result of a still colonial mentality, be experienced as a characteristic and potential of a diverse and democratic society.

Keywords: Language policies. Linguistic education. Political literacy.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Cohn da SILVEIRA, Universidade da Integraçao da Lusofonia Afrobrasileira – UNILAB/Malês

Doutor em Linguística. Curso de Letras, Instituto de Humanidades e Letras, Universidade da Integraçao da Lusofonia Afrobrasileira – UNILAB/Malês, São Francisco do Conde, Bahia, Brasil.


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How to Cite

SILVEIRA, Alexandre Cohn da. POLITICAL LITERACY: FOR A DEMOCRATIC LINGUISTIC EDUCATION. Travessias Interativas, São Cristóvão-SE, v. 10, n. 22, p. 53–66, 2020. DOI: 10.51951/ti.v10i22. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufs.br/Travessias/article/view/15316. Acesso em: 28 sep. 2024.



Políticas linguísticas: visão panorâmica