



Brazilian Literature, A Loucura Imaginosa, Maximiano Campos, “O idealismo abstrato”


This research seeks to analyze the presence of “O idealismo abstrato” in the novel A Loucura Imaginosa written by Maximiano Campos. The main objective is to discuss the behavior of the Turibio character from the typology of the problematic hero, looking for the connection points between character’s particularities and Lukács’s theory (2000). This research is qualitative in nature and explanatory method, developed from a theoretical-critical bibliographic survey, which served as a basis for the discussion of the elements that characterize the behavior of the problematic hero in modern literature. After the analyzing the novel, which composed the body for development of the research, it becomes possible to identify the characteristics addressed by the Lukács’s theory, more especifi, in view of Turibio’s actions, witch clarify the inadequacy existing between the soul and outer world, as the aforementioned hero shows signs of demonic domination, madness and detachment from the outer world, guided by inadequate actions, hinting at the soul’s aspects in its narrow character. Thus, it can be concluded that the elements which composing the work, added to the theory, gave the text particularities related to the psychological rigor and character of action of the highlighted character, putting him face to face with the success or failure.


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Author Biographies

Helen Karla Noé da SILVEIRA, Universidade de Pernambuco - UPE

Graduada em Letras com habilitação em Língua Portuguesa e Língua Espanhola pela Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE), Campus Mata Norte, Nazaré da Mata-PE, Brasil. PIBIC-CNPq. E-mail: helenkarla73@gmail.com ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7720-6635

Josivaldo Custódio da SILVA, Universidade de Pernambuco - UPE

Doutor em Literatura e Cultura pelo PPGL/UFPB, com Pós-Doutorado em Teoria da Literatura, ênfase em Literatura Popular pelo PPGL/UFPE. Professor de Literatura Brasileira e Literatura Popular dos Cursos de Letras e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras (PROFLETRAS) da UPE – Campus Mata Norte, Nazaré da Mata-PE, Brasil, membro do Grupo de Pesquisa CELLUPE.


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GOLDMANN, Lucien. A Sociologia do Romance. Tradução de Álvaro Cabral. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1976.
GOUVEIA, Arturo, A ironia estrutural no romance. In: RABELO, Lúcia Sá; SCHNEIDER, Liane (Orgs.). Construções literárias e discursivas da modernidade. Porto Alegre: Nova Prova, 2008.
LUKÁCS, Georg. O idealismo abstrato. In: ______. A Teoria do Romance: um ensaio histórico-filosófico sobre as formas da grande épica. Tradução, posfácio e notas de José Marcos Mariani de Macedo. São Paulo: Duas Cidades; Editora 34, 2000, p. 99-117.



How to Cite

SILVEIRA, Helen Karla Noé da; SILVA, Josivaldo Custódio da. ABSTRACT IDEALISM IN THE NOVEL A LOUCURA IMAGINOSA, BY MAXIMIANO CAMPOS. Travessias Interativas, São Cristóvão-SE, v. 11, n. 24, p. 138–152, 2022. DOI: 10.51951/ti.v11i24. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufs.br/Travessias/article/view/17022. Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.