


Clarice Lispector, Philosophy, Happiness, Meaning


The purpose of this article is to discuss the perception of the word happiness in the short story “Felicidade Clandestina”, by Clarice Lispector. This analysis is built upon the understanding of the plurissignificative value of the word in the literary text and the dialogism that is possible to occur between the lexicon and its plurissignification. As specific objectives, it can be listed: to present the philosophical idea of happiness taken by some philosophers; to present in the short story the narrator’s perception marks about the term attributed to the happy state; and to clarify the idea of happiness developed by the narrator. The narrator of the short story builds a text with a reference to the canonical concept of the word happiness in order to, from there, develop a narrative with another perception of the word. Furthermore, this is a qualitative bibliographical study. The following authors provided theoretical support: Abbagnano (2012), Marías (1989), Laêrtios (2008), Piglia (2004), Driver (2009), Fonseca (2016), Bakhtin (1992), Freud (2016), among others. These authors foster the discussions regarding the understanding of the analyzed term (happiness) and the clarifications of the meanings of a word in the various contexts or textual dialogisms.


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Author Biography

Nataniel Bezerra da Costa HORA, Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS

Graduado em Letras (Faculdade Atlântico), tem pós-graduação lato sensu em Didática do Ensino Superior, é professor da SEDUC-SE e Mestre Profissional em Letras (PROFLETRAS) pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe, campus São Cristóvão (turma 6).


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KANT, Emanuel. Crítica da razão pura. Tradução de Manuela Pinto dos Santos e Alexandre Fradique Morujão. 5ª Ed. Lisboa: Edição da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2001.

LAÊRTIOS, Diôgenes. Vidas e doutrinas dos filósofos ilustres. Tradução Mário da Gama. – 2ª. Ed. – Brasília: Editora Universidade de Brasília, 2008.

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How to Cite

HORA, Nataniel Bezerra da Costa. CLARICE LISPECTOR AND CLANDESTINE HAPPINESS. Travessias Interativas, São Cristóvão-SE, v. 11, n. 24, p. 167–179, 2022. DOI: 10.51951/ti.v11i24. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.