Mystic poetry in brazilian modernism

the mystical poetry of Jorge de Lima




Poetry, Mysticism, Modernism, Surrealism, Religiosity


Jorge de Lima was an important poet from Alagoas who continued to write materials of great value to Brazilian literature, however, despite the literary richness of these materials, they are rarely disseminated and debated in Brazil, which results in the low number of studies on this poet and his collection. From this, in order to improve the exposed scenario, this study emerged with the intention of examining the nuances of mystical poetry in Brazilian Modernism, directed to the lyricism of the aforementioned poet, selecting, to support the contemporary analyses, one of his most historical works which is A túnica inconsútil (1938). To bring this study to life, a bibliographical research was developed based mainly on theories such as Gerson Scholem essential to build a more focused understanding of the mystical traits identified in the poet, and Luciano Cavalcanti, who in addition to corroborating the mystical evidence presente in Jorge de Lima, he points out other characters that make up the poetry limiana, an example of surrealismo. In view of this, it is necessary to identify that the aforementioned theories were aplied to the analysis of five poems presente in the mentioned book which evidenced the poet’s uniqueness in building the poet-poetry-religiosity relationship.


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Author Biography

Emily Tavares Nascimento, Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS

Graduanda em Letras Vernáculas pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS - Departamento de Letras Vernáculas-DLEV; São Cristóvão-SE, Brasil. Bolsista de iniciação científica - CNPq.


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How to Cite

NASCIMENTO, Emily Tavares. Mystic poetry in brazilian modernism: the mystical poetry of Jorge de Lima. Travessias Interativas, São Cristóvão-SE, v. 13, n. 29, p. 104–119, 2023. DOI: 10.51951/ti.v13i29.p104-119. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.