Linguistic variation

the case of the palate lateral /λ/ in two speech communities




Variation. Speech community. Palate lateral.


This work analyzes the sociolinguistic use of the palatal lateral phoneme /λ/, as in: /λ/ ~ [l, j, Ø], in two speech communities. The theoretical-methodological contributions that underlie the description and analysis come from Labovian-inspired Sociolinguistics (LABOV, 1963, 1966, 2008 [1972]) and from the Theory of Variation and Linguistic Change (WEINREICH; LABOV; HERZOG, 2006[1968]). Therefore, the corpus is equally and socially stratified by sexual gender, age group and education level, and with 24 informants, 12 speakers from Paraíba and 12 from the state of Rio Grande do Norte, residents and from urban areas the researched speech communities. The data collection technique was the sociolinguistic interview, which is the standard form of data collection in the linguistic approach adopted here. The two speech communities under study are located in territorially bordering contexts: Jacaraú and Nova Cruz. The occurrences found were submitted to the statistical program package Goldvarb X (SANKOFF; TAGLIAMONTE & SMITH, 2005). The first results indicate that there is a process of sociolinguistic variation in the two varieties surveyed, conditioned both by linguistic and social factors, such as phonological contexts (preceding and following), age group and the speakers’ level of education. Thus, we conclude that linguistic variation is, on the one hand, a social fact, and on the other hand, it is a form of sociolinguistic identification.


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Author Biography

Josenildo Barbosa Freire, Universidade Federal da Paraíba - UFPB

Doutor em Linguística pela UFPB. Professor de Língua Portuguesa da rede pública de ensino do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (SEEC-RN).


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How to Cite

FREIRE, Josenildo Barbosa. Linguistic variation: the case of the palate lateral /λ/ in two speech communities. Travessias Interativas, São Cristóvão-SE, v. 14, n. 31, p. 25–38, 2024. DOI: 10.51951/ti.v14i31.p25-38. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 dec. 2024.



Variação e Mudança no Português Brasileiro: Produção, Percepção e Atitudes Linguísticas