Innovation for the development of information services
Innovation, Information professionals, Information services, Information units, Technological innovationAbstract
Guided by the ability to make relationships, glimpse opportunities, and reap benefits, innovation becomes a primordial instrument for organizations and professionals who wish to innovate in information services. In this sense, this article seeks to explore innovation for the development of information services. Through qualitative, exploratory, descriptive, and bibliographic research, the established objective is realized. Three methods are suggested, Design Thinking, Empathy Map, and Lean Startup, which, in addition to being described, were exemplified to enable greater understanding and incentive to their application. The tools mentioned above have in common a focus on people, and for this reason, they are excellent options for working on innovation in information services that are really required in society and all the diversity and plurality that make it up. It is worth mentioning that although they are excellent options, innovation in information services does not depend on these tools, but it can be facilitated and driven by them, since they enable and encourage registration in its steps, consequently reducing rework in certain actions.
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