Gamifying the teaching of facial expressions for children with autistic spectrum disorder
The game is an educational tool developed by the multidisciplinary team of the Federal Institute of Education Science and Technology of Maranhão, composed of professors, students and volunteers, to be applied in the daily life of children with disorder of Autistic Spectre. It follows the differentiated teaching model, because it aims to assist in the treatment of autistic children through the recognition and interpretations of facial expressions, in their various spectra (mild, moderate or severe), exercising their stimuli and Cognitive ability to recognize distinct facial expressions through mobile devices in a multiple choice environment, allowing the gradual increase of the autistic's sensitivity to external stimuli, a predilection for facial images that are They handle repetitively, developing the wearer's motricity, improving their interpersonal relationship. The methodology used is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), commonly associated with the treatment of people with autism spectrum disorders using positive reinforcements, thus contributing to the teaching and practice effectively based on Evidence, because it consists of basic, applied and theoretical research, through social behaviors and patterns. The research was distinguished, in the academic and scientific environment, with three works published in international events.
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