The present article, the result of doctoral research, aims to give voice the “transloucas” transvestites Amara Moira and Márcia Rocha, from the narratives extracted from the Brazilian work Vidas trans: a coragem de existir, which is a powerful model for the subjectification of transsexuality within an autobiographical narrative. For that, the queer theory, in this case, is the theoretical tool, based on the ideas of theorists such as Judith Butler, Guacira Lopes Louro and Richard Miskolci, which works as a way of putting itself into discussion of sexuality and gender, observing its “margins” , norms and hegemonies in the different spaces in which we live, real and symbolically, implying a necessary transgression of heterocysnormativity. Associated with this perspective, we add Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes’ understanding of the idea of being “translouca”, exposing that transsexuality allows not conforming to gender, exposing their translucent bodies, their desires, desires, their joys and pleasures.
Keywords: Contemporary literature. Autobiography. Transvestites. Voices. Transloucas.
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