Strategies for reading verb-picture text for deaf studentes
Reading Strategies, Visual reading, DeafnessAbstract
This work constitutes an excerpt from the dissertation of the Academic Master in Language and Culture, linked to the Graduate Program in Letters at the State University of Piauí (UESPI), which aimed to identify and describe the reading strategies of the deaf student from verb-imagery texts. We start from the hypothesis that mixed texts, that is, texts made up of verbal and visual elements, enhance reading comprehension, since the constitution of the senses by the deaf occurs visually and not auditoryly. As a theoretical contribution, we follow the assumptions of: Kleiman(2016), Solé(1998), Smith(1989); Karnopp and Pereira(2015), Quadros and Karnopp (2004), Quadros(2006), Pereira(2009); Reyli(2003), Alves(2020), among other authors. In view of the analysis, we affirm that the strategies were satisfactory in the construction of reading meanings for the deaf student.
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