From the umbilical cord to madness in Ariana Harwicz’s




Latin American literature, Psychoanalysis, Destruction, Maternal Mark, Ariana Harwicz


With her visceral, fragmented, abyssal and uncomfortable writing, Ariana Harwicz, author of the Passion Trilogy ("Die, love", 2012; "Feebleminded", 2014; and "Precocious", 2016) continues to offer us, in the second book of the sequence, a dizzying dive into mother-daughter relationships, interspected throught violence, eroticism, madness and destruction. This story, traversed by the complex webs of the feminine, understood here through the lens of psychoanalysis and Lacan's teaching (1972), encourages us to think about the production of the body from the perspective of a maternal-social role that subverted that of the "good mother" (Badinter, 2011) and which points, in our understanding, to the mother-enigma, the failure of the semblance, the devastation that summons, according to psychoanalysis, "the impossible fusion" (Brousse, 2004) of the maternal mark that embodies the subject, in other words, the one that puts flesh on a body that is Other through discourse, through language.


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Author Biography

Jocelaine Oliveira dos Santos, Instituto Federal de Sergipe - IF/São Cristóvão

Professora de Língua Portuguesa e suas respectivas Literaturas do Instituto Federal de Sergipe/Campus São Cristóvão. Doutora em Ciências Sociais (UNISINOS) e Mestra em Letras (UFS).


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COURTINE, Jean-Jacques. Decifrar o corpo: pensar com Foucault. Petrópolis, RJ: editora Vozes, 2013.

FINGERMANN, Dominique O que é um corpo? Como responde a psicanálise? In TAPERMAN, Daniela. Corpo. 1ª ed. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2022.

HARCWICZ, Ariana. A débil mental. 1ª ed. São Paulo: editora Instante, 2020.

HARCWICZ, Ariana. El ruido de una época. Buenos Aire: Editora Marciana, 2023.

LACAN, J. O seminário livro 17: o avesso da psicanálise (1969/1970). Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 1992.

PADILLA, Gabriela Ponce. Matate, Débil, Precoz: derivas del lenguaje en la trilogía de Ariana Harwicz. Revista Kipus, n.º 44 (julio-diciembre de 2018), 49-64. ISSN: 1390-010.

SOLER, Colette. A marca materna. In TAPERMAN, Daniela. Corpo. 1ª ed. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2022.

VALENCIA, Gabriela Trejo. Un lazo de sangre enfermizo: la relación maternofilial en La Débil Mental, de Ariana Harwicz. In PIÑA, Claudia L. Gutiérrez. VALENCIA, Gabriela Trejo. VÁZQUEZ, Jazmín G. Tapia. Escrituras de la maternidad: miradas reflexivas y metáforas en la literatura hispano-americana. México: Fides Ediciones, 2021.

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How to Cite

SANTOS, Jocelaine Oliveira dos. From the umbilical cord to madness in Ariana Harwicz’s. Revista Fórum Identidades, Itabaiana-SE, v. 38, n. 1, p. 15–28, 2023. DOI: 10.47250/forident.v38n1.p15-28. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 sep. 2024.



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