A conversation about motherhood in Entrada de serviço by Lúcia Benedetti
Women writing, Motherhood, Mothers, Female literature, FeminismAbstract
If the woman is not only a reproductive system, “what is a woman?” asked Simone de Beauvoir, in Second Sex. In this article, that question will not be answered. In other hand, based on the analyses of the novel Entrada de serviço (Service entrance, in a literal translation to English), published in 1942, by the Brazilian author Lúcia Benedetti, will be observed how are configured the relations between the woman and her body, and her situation with motherhood. For this, will be analyzed how these relations give way to a multiple and complex existence by facts, myths and social constructions for the figure of the woman-mother. In addition to contemporary criticism of the novel, Lemos (1942) and Lins (1943), will be considered women and mothers studies, like Beauvoir (2019), Badinter (1985), Iaconelli (2023), Del Priore (2020); and about women’s writings, as Woolf (2022) and Gilbert & Gubar (2000).
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