Motherhood is an experience that interests society as whole, but the biological and processes that envolve it affect mainly women. The concepts, norms and narratives about this experience are, however, often under the male domain. We understand that the control and so the representation of motherhood is in the interest of the patriarcal order. The deconstruction of such a perspective must start from the investigation of the patriarcal order. The deconstruction of such a perspective must start from the investigation of reflection and fiction of authorship. In this article, we are interested in highlighting how two writers treat this theme: the cape verdean Dina Salustio and brazilian Conceição Evaristo, through the analysis of some narratives, take as theoretical basis for the discussion, reflections on the theme that are in Aminda Forna, Bell Hooks, Djanila Ribeiro, Chimmamanda Adchie and Alice Walker.
KEYWORDS: Motherhood. Dina Salústio. Conceição Evaristo. Narratives.
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