It is analyzed, in Romance IV or The Murdered Maiden and in Romance XI or The Dagger and Flor, contained in the Romanceiro da Inconfidência (2012), the voice identification of the social actor in the feminine, who was in the scene of the spill and who suffered parental or close relatives violence, as a result of the excessive ambition for possession of gold and precious stones, because of each family disputes/oldest privilege; / and For hatred, greed, envy/hell is being traced / (MEIRELES, p. 48-49), in the surroundings of Vila Rica, in Minas Gerais of the XVIII century; seeking to establish links with the current Brazilian society. In this way, the coordinate is problematized: ontology-epistemology-ethics- aesthetics, which elected a certain subject of knowledge, in the attribution of right/wrong, fair/unfair and the beautiful/ugly; with the denial of memory and full life to the otherness, without taking into account to the desiring face of the other in his demands, based on the private.
Keywords: Gender. Violence. Citizenship. Feminicide.
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