In this paper, I aim at discussing how post-dictatorial narratives written by women reveal gender persecutions and problematize present and past human rights violations in Brazil. In order to do so, my analysis focuses on the literature of Adriana Lisboa, Azul Corvo (2014), and Maria Pilla, Volto semana que vem (2015). To approach such issues, I take into account a set of studies, from which I highlight the works of Elizabeth Jelin (2002), Eurídice Figueiredo (2017) and Lilia Schwarcz (2019). From the relationship between literature, memory and history, we can learn more about the horrors that women underwent in dictatorial contexts, from the repressive logic that considered gender in verbal and physical violence, for example, when detaining, torturing and murdering not only militants, but also ordinary civilians, to institutional harassment of relatives and friends.
Keywords: Woman and dictatorship. Contemporary Brazilian literature. Adriana Lisboa. Maria Pilla.
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