Feminist voices in metafiction Possession, by A. S. Byatt
The Angel in the House, Female Authorship, Judith Shakespeare, PossessionAbstract
This article investigates feminist voices in Possession, by A. S. Byatt. From the debate proposed by Virginia Woolf on “The Angel in the House” and “Judith Shakespeare”, and the contributions of Hutcheon (1991) and Cixous (2022), our objective is to highlight, in the work, the contrasts between the angelic condition of the victorian woman, represented by some characters, as opposed to the subversive character of other female figures, as well as the relationship between gender and phallogocentric power that can be observed in the writing and reception of the poets Ash and LaMotte. Byatt, by exposing these differences in her metafiction, seems to question patriarchal power structures that value the submissive woman and condemn the emancipated woman.
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