Rewriting, Translation and Subtitling
Invisible City in English
Translation Studies, Rewriting, Subtitling, Invisible CityAbstract
Based on Translation Studies, more specifically Audiovisual Translation (AVT)/subtitling in its relation with concepts such as rewriting (LEFEVERE, 1992) and domestication and foreignization (VENUTI, 1995, 2002,2021), we analyzed the Brazilian series Invisible City, focusing on the first season available on Netflix from February 2021. We propose that the series represents forms of rewriting: first, the filmic rewriting, in which myths and legends are transported from nature an immemorial time to a current urban center: Rio de Janeiro in 2021; and secondly, the rewriting of the series into English, based on the analysis of the subtitles produced. We sustain that the series’ script already foresees the rewriting process for foreign contexts in its very conception, as well as that the translation for English subtitles foster forms of intercultural dialogue.
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