Two african novels in Brazil




Translation, African literature, Francophonie, Tierno Monénembo, Alain Mabanckou


Published in 1995 and 2005 respectively in France, the novels Pelourinho and Copo Quebrado have recently been translated in Brazil. This article aims to discuss and compare the possible reading effects of these novels and their different proposals in Brazil, in a movement that is not only linguistic, but properly intercultural. What meanings do the images of Brazil and Africa take on in the translation of these two novels? How can Brazilian readers apprehend them and how does this apprehension poetically and politically reconfigure the projects of Monénembo and Mabanckou? Which Brazil and which Africa are presented and reinvented in the narratives and what does this invention tell us about us, the (potential) Brazilian readers of these novels?


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Author Biography

Mirella do Carmo Botaro, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle

Doutora em Estudos Lusófonos pela Sorbonne Université. Professora na Université Sorbonne Nouvelle.


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How to Cite

BOTARO, Mirella do Carmo. Two african novels in Brazil. Interdisciplinar - Journal of Studies in Language and Literature, São Cristóvão-SE, v. 40, n. 1, p. 91–105, 2024. DOI: 10.47250/intrell.v40i1.p91-105. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.