Formation of professional competencies of primary school teachers using ICT


  • Sydorenko Natalia Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.
  • Denysenko Veronika Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.
  • Borisenko Nataliia Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.
  • Hrytsenko Iryna Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.



Online competencies, educational platforms, motivation, knowledge acquisition, distance education, knowledge production.


The purpose of the publication is to publish the results of a study that reveals how the intensity of the use of ICT in educational activities affects the formation of professional competencies of primary education teachers. With this in mind, the aim of the study is to establish the role of ICT in shaping the online competencies of primary school teachers, to study the content of the competency based approach and the participation of social media platforms and software applications.  The object of this study is a complex of ICTs, which actively participates in the formation of competencies of teachers of primary education. The implementation of the objectives of the study requires a set of methods and theoretical analysis and synthesis, as well as methods of comparison, grouping and specification (determination of the research data on the formation of professional competencies of primary school teachers).  The results of the research were obtained through the use of qualitative studies (standard focus groups) with subsequent analysis and report preparation. The results of the analysis are used to determine the content and interaction of key and professional competencies in the field of primary education and the high level of use of ICT tools.  Almost 80% of students aged from 20 to24 used the use of Twitter, Telegram, Facebook in remote education during the academic year 2019/2020.The presented work concludes that the use of ICT, like social media platforms, software applications, software and messenger clouds, increases the level of online competence of teachers and expands the range of professional competencies. The constant modernization of educational content based on Twitter, Telegram, Facebook, etc. should be promising for the formation of key and professional competencies and strengthening motivation in the training of primary education teachers.


Biografia do Autor

Sydorenko Natalia, Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.

Сandidate of Philological Sciences, Аssociate Professor, Pedagogical faculty, Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education. Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.


Denysenko Veronika, Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Pedagogical Faculty, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Preschool and Primary Education. Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.


Borisenko Nataliia, Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.

PhD in Education, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Pedagogical faculty, Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education. Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.


Hrytsenko Iryna, Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate professor, Pedagogical Faculty, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Preschool and Primary Education. Kherson State University. Kherson, Ukraine.



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Como Citar

Natalia, S. ., Veronika, D. ., Nataliia, B. ., & Iryna, H. . (2020). Formation of professional competencies of primary school teachers using ICT. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 1–17.



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