Art education for communication in the society: a content analysis
Educação de arte para comunicação na sociedade: uma análise de conteúdo
Art education, communication, society, content analysisAbstract
This study aims to identify the current trends in the published articles on art education and society to generate a systematic review in this field. Document analysis as a qualitative research method was used in the study in order to achieve this aim. Data of the study were obtained from Google Scholar database by searching the keywords inclduing “art education”, “communication” and “society”. Based on a comprehensive search, a total number of 91 articles were obtained. The obtained data were examined based on content analysis criteria including year of publication, number of authors, research method, number of references, title of the authors and characteristics of the study group. Data were analyzed and provided with frequency and percentages and shown with tables and figures. Results are discussed with relevant literature and recommendations for further research and practices are provided.
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