Evaluation the methods of Educating Organizational Strategic Capability in Kerman Executive Organizations
Modernity and recent innovations and advances in information technology, human resources, marketing, and innovation have played a key role in accelerating the emergence of organizational strategic capabilities . Teaching the ways of It has become an essential issue for organizational success. Considering the importance of the subject, the objective of this article is to evaluate the available methods of teaching the organizational strategic capability in Kerman executive organizations. The present study is an applied research in terms of objective and descriptive in terms of nature and survey in terms of method. The statistical population of the study consisted of two groups. The first group consisted of experts including management professors who had knowledge on this subject and their number was unknown, and 30 of them were selected purposefully. The second group consisted of all employees of Kerman executive organizations. The sample size of employees was estimated to be 380 people based on Morgan table. They were selected by stratified random sampling. The researcher-made questionnaire consisted of 39 questions scored on Likert scale ranging from very low to very high. The content validity of the questions was examined, modified and verified by experts’ opinions. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the variables was higher than 0.7, indicating the internal consistency of the items and confirming the reliability of the questions. Data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis, univariate t-test, and Friedman test through SPSS software. According to the results, the status of organizational strategic capabilities was high in Kerman executive organizations. Also, IT and organizational structure had the highest priority among the dimensions of organizational strategic capabilities.
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