Problems of preparation for educational design of students of institutions of higher art education
educational design, educational process, higher art education, project thinking, studentsAbstract
In modern conditions of production development, the requirements for a young specialist in the field of higher art education are growing. The main task of higher art education is to train a competitive, mobile specialist who has a readiness for self-education throughout his life. When preparing a specialist in higher art education, it is necessary to form in him such knowledge, abilities and skills that will allow him to solve non-standard production problems, use modern technologies, independently analyze the results of his activities, and draw conclusions. Thus, a graduate of institutions of higher art education must be ready to work actively in a changing environment. Teaching focused only on memorizing the material can no longer meet modern requirements. The problem of the formation of such qualities of attention, memory and thinking that allows the student to independently assimilate information, is constantly updated, as well as the development of such abilities and skills, which, preserved even after completing education, would provide him with the opportunity to keep up with the accelerated scientific technical progress. One of the problems of modern education is that graduates experience some difficulties in applying theoretical knowledge in practice. The ability to apply the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in professional activities cannot appear by itself, for this you need to teach. To solve this problem, it is necessary to introduce the educational design teaching method into the educational process, which today has its own characteristics and problems.
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