Practice of educational technologies application whitnin humanitarian disciplines training at Tyumen Industrial University
Modern Educational Technologies, Modular-Rating Technology, Interactive Technology, Organizational PlanningAbstract
This article examines the use of modern educational technologies in the practice of the branch of the Tyumen Industrial University in the city of Surgut. The purpose of the study is to determine a number of educational technologies used in the TIU branch in Surgut. The methodology included generalization of reference and scientific literature, questionnaires, qualitative and quantitative analysis. The study included three stages. At the first stage, reference and scientific literature was summarized to determine the concept and main directions of modern education technologies. At the second stage, the experience of using modern teaching technologies in the practice of TIU branch in the city of Surgut is presented. At the third stage, a survey of students was conducted in order to identify the effectiveness of the introduction of modern educational technologies into the practice of the Tyumen Industrial University. The study was carried out on the basis of the branch of Tyumen Industrial University in the city of Surgut, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra. 70 respondents aged 18 to 22 took part in the study, of which 48 were males and 22 were females. The survey participants are various first, second and third year students. Before the survey, all students gave their verbal consent to the study, there were no people who refused to participate. After students assessed educational technologies at the university on a scale from 1 to 10, the following results were obtained: 5.7%. (4 people) of the respondents believe that all the conditions for the use of modern technologies already exist, 37.1% (26 people) rated it at 8-9 points, the majority of 52.9% (37 people) of the respondents gave a rating of 6- 7, 4.3% (3 people) gave a rating of 4-5, and none of the respondents rated the conditions for the use of modern teaching technologies at TIU as low 1-3. The number of respondents' answers in favor of each of the presented technologies was distributed as follows: 97.1% of respondents met with the design method, 84.3% with modular rating technology, 71.4% with interactive technology, 45.7% with gaming technology, 38 , 6% with the technology of problem learning, 35.7% with the technology of case learning, 20.0% with the technology of developing education. The authors came to the conclusion that among the promising technologies used in the university, it should be noted interactive (58.9%), problem-project (42.9%), modular-rating learning technologies (37.1%).
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