Legal consciousness as a factor promoting the achievement of educational objectives and the realization of the right to education by individuals and collectives


  • Elena Anatolyevna Tereshchenko North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia.
  • Vladimir Viktorovich Kovalev North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia.
  • Maxim Sergeevich Trofimov North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia.
  • Dzambolat Arthurovich Zasseev South Ossetian state University named after A.A. Tibilov. Ossétia do Norte, Alânia, Russia.  


Palabras clave:

jurisprudence, legal consciousness, educational sphere, participants to educational activities, methodological approach, legal scholar, legal theory, legal practice.


The article studies the legal consciousness of participants to educational activities in the process of achieving educational objectives and realizing their right to education. Obstacles that are typical of such a type of research conditioned by an insufficient theoretical basis for studying legal consciousness in general and as a category accompanying the realization of goals, capabilities and rights of participants to educational activities. In the Russian legal science, these obstacles are caused by the prevalence of ideological dogmas over objective scientific approaches (for example, the concept that state and law will wither away as unnecessary institutes alongside the formation of communism), which is emphasized by Russian scholars concerned with these issues. Over time, the above-mentioned difficulties have been overcome and today the issues associated with legal consciousness (in particular, individuals and collectives in the educational sphere) are an integral part of scientific interests in the field of jurisprudence. The article aims at reviewing and analyzing the process of studying legal issues (including participants to educational activities) by Russian and foreign scholars, summarizing the results of their scientific research and drawing the relevant conclusions. Relying on the existing theoretical and practical experience and an extensive set of different research methods (general scientific and specific legal methods), the authors have achieved certain results and reached several conclusions. Their main achievement is new data on various aspects of justice.


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Biografía del autor/a

Elena Anatolyevna Tereshchenko, North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia.

PhD in law. North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia.


Vladimir Viktorovich Kovalev, North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia.

PhD in law. North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia.


Maxim Sergeevich Trofimov , North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia.

PhD in law. North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Russia.


Dzambolat Arthurovich Zasseev , South Ossetian state University named after A.A. Tibilov. Ossétia do Norte, Alânia, Russia.  

PhD in law. South Ossetian state University named after A.A. Tibilov. Ossétia do Norte, Alânia, Russia.  



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Cómo citar

Tereshchenko, E. A. ., Kovalev, V. V. ., Trofimov , M. S. ., & Zasseev , D. A. (2020). Legal consciousness as a factor promoting the achievement of educational objectives and the realization of the right to education by individuals and collectives. Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 1–21.



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