Develop an Educational Model Based on Proposed Value in Ports and Maritime Organization (Using Grounded Theory and Interactive Qualitative Analysis)


  • Mohammad Saleh Torkestani Allameh Tabataba'i University
  • Mohammad Rahim Esfidani University of Tehran
  • Masoud Arazm University of Tehran



The Educational model in the port and maritime organization is a model that establishes a method based on training people who can make balance between demands and cost supplies.  The study area is the Ports and Maritime Organization (Shahid Rajaee Port), 15 km from Band Abbas in Hormozgan province. The statistical population (N), in the first qualitative phase for formulating the grounded theory model, is the statistical population consisting of legal customers of owners of goods, shipping lines including bulk, containers and downloading and loading companies of Hormozgan Ports and Maritime Administration. In the second qualitative phase and in the interactive qualitative analysis, the statistical population consists of experts related to the research topic in the form of a focus group. In the qualitative part of the grounded theory, maxqda software was used for initial data analysis. Despite extensive studies by researchers in port areas, customers and the value provided to them has not received much attention by Iranian researchers. Accordingly, the development this educational model with appropriate explanatory power to examine the nature of proposed value-based competitiveness (from the customers' point of view) and how and why value-based competitiveness necessitated the need to conduct the present study and it was attempted to fill the main gap between an ideal situation and an existing situation, that is the lack of access to a local model with suitable explanation power.


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Biografia do Autor

Mohammad Saleh Torkestani, Allameh Tabataba'i University

Assistant Professor of Business Management, School of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran. 


Mohammad Rahim Esfidani , University of Tehran

Assistant Professor, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Iran.


Masoud Arazm , University of Tehran

PhD student in Business management, Marketing, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Iran. 





Como Citar

Torkestani, M. S. ., Esfidani , M. R., & Arazm , M. (2020). Develop an Educational Model Based on Proposed Value in Ports and Maritime Organization (Using Grounded Theory and Interactive Qualitative Analysis). Revista Tempos E Espaços Em Educação, 13(32), 1–25.



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