History of Holocaust Teaching

the genesis, themes, and ethods


  • Karl Schurster
  • Luzilete Falavinha Ramos




Abstract: This article presents a descriptive and analytical study of Holocaust history education in various countries, from the post-war period to the present day. The research was based on documentary and bibliographic analysis of materials produced by governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as interviews with specialists in the field of Holocaust education. The results show that, despite cultural and political differences between countries, there is a growing awareness of the importance of teaching the Holocaust in schools as a way of raising awareness among new generations about the dangers of hatred and intolerance. In addition, the study shows that Holocaust education is undergoing transformations and improvements over time, incorporating new pedagogical and methodological approaches aimed at a broader and deeper understanding of the subject.

Keywords: Holocaust, teaching, history, education.

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How to Cite

Schurster, K., & Ramos, L. F. (2024). History of Holocaust Teaching: the genesis, themes, and ethods. Cadernos Do Tempo Presente, 14(02), 03–28. https://doi.org/10.33662/ctp.v14i02.20711