Brazilian education in the post-war period and the debates surrounding the creation of the first Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (1948-1951)


  • Adriana Mendonça Cunha



Abstract: This article examines the disputes surrounding the drafting of the first Law of Guidelines and Bases for National Education, based on the assessment of the bill by Congressman Gustavo Capanema and Teachers College professor Robert King Hall. Known in the Brazilian educational field since 1940, Hall maintained contact with Murilo Braga de Carvalho, director of the Instituto Nacional de Estudos Pedagógicos (INEP), who asked him to assess the proposal in 1951. Capanema, former Minister of Education in the Vargas government, led the committee that assessed the bill, voting to shelve it. Presented to the Chamber of Deputies in 1948, the preliminary draft was the target of intense disputes and modifications over almost two decades until its approval in 1961. The objective is to understand how Capanema and Hall's positions related to the different interests in dispute over the law that would define the direction of national education.

Keywords: Brazilian Education. Instituto Nacional de Estudos Pedagógicos. LDB. Brazil-United States Relations.


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How to Cite

Cunha, A. M. (2024). Brazilian education in the post-war period and the debates surrounding the creation of the first Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (1948-1951). Cadernos Do Tempo Presente, 15(01), 36–66.