Humor in the brazilian present time

notes from the work of Luis Fernando Veríssimo


  • Emerson César Campos



Abstract: In the field of History of the Present Time in Brazil, there is a lack of studies that focus on the interface between the different languages of cultural and political history and Brazilian literature, especially humor. In this sense, what I present, based on the research carried out, is a problematization of the relationship between politics and humour in the Brazilian Present Time, analysing the relationship between the violence of the dictatorship and the humorous elaboration produced in Brazil. To do this, I mobilize the work of Luis Fernando Veríssimo, a popular Brazilian chronicler and the most widely read Brazilian writer abroad. On this occasion, humour is used as a device for political contestation and destabilization. I examine the different manifestations of humor in the Brazilian present expressed in the chronicles, comic strips and newspaper columns produced by Luis Fernando Veríssimo. Furthermore, I problematize the narrative strategies he used to circumvent censorship. To this end, I choose texts by the author, published in different media, which carry humorous manifestations and relate them to the events and characters that make up a considerable part of the history of our Present Time.

Keywords: Humor; Brazilian Present Time; Luis Fernando Veríssimo; Culture; Politics.



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How to Cite

Campos, E. C. (2024). Humor in the brazilian present time: notes from the work of Luis Fernando Veríssimo. Cadernos Do Tempo Presente, 15(01), 122–154.