Individual’s rights in facial recognition


  • Maria Renata Keithlyn de Gois Cruz Universidade de Pernambuco
  • Maria Amalia de Oliveira Arruda Camara Universidade de Pernambuco


The development of new technologies and the daily improvement of IA[1] and Machine Leaning, sometimes, are overreacting, and this can cost a huge price for the global community. The uses of facial recognition to capture criminals and people who can possible commit a crime can be outrageous and affect individual’s rights. So, the aim of this text is to prove why machines can not judge humans and how they can be used, in a less dangerous way.

Key-Words: Rights. Digital Law. Individual’s Rights. Face Recognition.

[1] Artificial Intelligence

Biografia do Autor

Maria Renata Keithlyn de Gois Cruz, Universidade de Pernambuco

Graduanda em Direito pela Universidade de Pernambuco. Membro da COmissão de Direito e Tecnologia da Informação da OAB/PE. Pesquisadora do Smart Cities. Redatora do Jurispensando. Membro da Liga de Direito Digital de Pernambuco.

Maria Amalia de Oliveira Arruda Camara, Universidade de Pernambuco

Professor of University of Pernambuco, Doctor in Science Politics and Law from University Federal de Pernambuco, Coordenator of the group Smart Cities, Founder of League of CyberLaw, amaliacamara@gmail.com²




Como Citar

de Gois Cruz, M. R. K., & de Oliveira Arruda Camara, M. A. (2020). Individual’s rights in facial recognition. Boletim Do Tempo Presente, 8(02). Recuperado de



Edição Especial: Seminário Sino-Brasileiro