Special Issue Open Call: Youth and citizenship: cultural practices and public policies


New Deadline - by the end of May!

Deadline: May 31st, 2024 - Access TOMO website to read the guidelines for authors.

Publication expected for 2024.

TOMO is now open to receive contributions to the Special Issue "Youth and citizenship: cultural practices and public policies" organized by

Dr. Frank Marcon (UFS/DCS – Sergipe/Brasil)

Dra. Mariana Chaves (Universidad La Plata/FTS – La Plata/Argentina)

Dr. Ricardo Campos (Universidade Nova de Lisboa/CICSNOVA - Lisboa/Portugal)

** Read the guidelines for author by clicking on "submission" on TOMO's website.

This special issue aims to bring together scientific articles on young people and their cultural practices, in correlation with their daily political activities, their activisms or even on the implications of public policies in their lives.

Mobilizing issues of the special issue:

a) To what extent are citizenship processes among young people constituted from their own initiatives, agencies, forms of organization and creativity, from cultural expressions and practices? What are these experiences and what are their generational particularities and social intersections? What kind of practices, grammars, and resources are employed for political intervention?

b) On the other hand, how have public policies been constructed and have they considered the issues mentioned above? What representations, practices and results have been presented, in a more local or more global scope? To what extent do these policies produce or reproduce the precariousness and empowerment and how do they impact on youth processes and representations of citizenship?

It is understood here that young people represent a relevant social group with regard to political agency, often serving as a counterweight to the dominant power and other times to the status quo, particularly in recent times, with the rise of conservative proposals. The state observes them, educates them, heals them, assists them, and represses them. However, young people are not consulted to design and/or evaluate most of the policies that are directed to them, even in a current generational crisis which challenges the mainstream politics. Therefore, this special issue expects to bring together the results of research on the agencies, forms, resources, processes and causes around which young people act politically, and how they are challenged by the state and by politics in general.

We welcome articles with theoretical or empirical perspectives, developing sociological or ethnographic studies on youth and their forms and processes of experimentation, representations and practices of citizenship, based on cultural expressions and actions that involve the youth's own initiatives, or institutional initiatives coming from public or private, local or global organizations.



CAMPOS, Ricardo; SARROY, Alix; e SIMÕES, José V. (Orgs.). A Arte de Construir Cidadania: Juventude, Práticas Criativas e Ativismo. Lisboa: Tinta da China, 2022.

CHAVES, Mariana. Por-venires en tiempos distópicos (o acerca de juventudes, desigualdades, pandemia, utopías, Estados, la vida, la muerte, y... ¿algo más?). in: MARCON, F.; NORONHA, D. (orgs.). Juventudes e desigualdades sociais em tempos de crise e radicalização política. 1. ed. – Aracaju, SE: Criação Editora, 2021. (p. 41/60)

MARCON, Frank e GALVÃO, L. Práticas culturais juvenis e a cidade como locus de ação política e disputa de sentidos sobre o espaço público. Ponto Urbe 31 v.1m 2023. http://journals.openedition.org/pontourbe/15056