“War on Drugs” and authoritarian populism in the Global South
War on drugs, Drug policy, Neoliberalism, Authoritarian populism, Drug traffickingAbstract
Bolsonaro's rise to the federal government raised questions about the emergence of authoritarian populism in Brazil. We aim to focus on the role of political instrumentalization of the war on drugs, in its relation to neoliberal policies, police violence, the imprisonment and the rise of narcobourgeoisie to Latin American governments. The war on drugs is present, in addition to Brazil, under the Duterte government in the Philippines, and in drug-producing countries in Latin America and others that serve as a route to trafficking in Central America. Prohibitionism breeds trafficking, justifies militias, paramilitaries, political repression and collaborates to catapult populist discourse of hatred from the gut of the state repressive apparatus to governments.
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