The notion of soul mate in the series “Osmosis”




Sociology, Series Osmosis, audiovisual, Love, Technology


Originally driven by the question "What are the impacts of technology on the way of living and conceiving love in the contemporary moment?", this article is focused on the analysis of the episode 'The Test' of the French TV series "Osmosis" (2019) from a sociological approach based on the methodological tools announced by Pierre Sorlin, that is, it was sought to pay attention to the expressive elements of the audiovisual in order to discuss how are constructed notions that proved to be central in the structure of the episode in question, be they the conceptions of love, soulmate and technology. Besides the investigation aimed at understanding these notions separately, we also tried to understand how the link between them is elaborated in the plot, as well as the implications arising from it.


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Author Biography

Nayara Baiochi do Nascimento, Universidade de São Paulo (USP)

PhD in Sociology from the University of São Paulo. She works in the areas of sociology of art, sociology of culture and sociology of education.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, N. B. do. (2022). The notion of soul mate in the series “Osmosis”. TOMO Review, (41), 233–274.



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