“Everybody has a bikini body”: problematizing fatphobia and femininity patterns from the film Dumplin (2018)





Femininities., Feminisms, Gender, Fatphobia, Movie theater.


In this study, we analyze discourses on youth feminisms and femininities in the school context of Cariri Ceará, based on the problematization of cultural artifacts. The research involved 13 young women students from state public schools, through a press conference, with Foucault's discourse analysis to examine the empirical material. The results obtained showed that juvenile femininities are marked by stereotyped normative patterns, bullying, violence and prejudices such as fatphobia, as well as the non-recognition of multiple femininities. Thus, we conclude by emphasizing the importance of incorporating the debate on feminisms and femininities in school and academic curricula.


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Author Biographies

Elaine de Jesus Souza, Federal University of Cariri (UFCA)

Adjunct Professor at the Educators Training Institute (IFE) at the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA). PhD in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Master in Social Psychology from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Degree in Biological Sciences from UFS. Deputy leader of the Science Education Area Research Group (AEC/UFCA/CNPq); Member of the Environment, Biodiversity and Teaching Research Group (MABE/UFCA/CNPq); Member of the Gender, Sexuality and Cultural Studies Research Group/GESEC/UFS/CNPq. Permanent Professor of the Master's Degree in Teaching Science and Mathematics at the Federal University of Sergipe/PPGECIMA/UFS.

Eugerbia Paula da Rocha, Federal University of Rio Grande/FURG

Master's student in Education at the Graduate Program in Education (PPGEDU), at the Institute of Education of the Federal University of Rio Grande - (FURG), linked to the line of research Cultures, Identities and Differences. Undergraduate student in Mathematics. Graduated in Biology from the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA) (2021). Graduated in Interdisciplinary Degree in Natural Sciences and Mathematics from the Federal University of Cariri (2018). Completed the Specialization in Biology and Chemistry at the University Center of Juazeiro do Norte (UNIJUAZEIRO) (2021). She worked as a volunteer for the Extension Project (PROEX) at the Federal University of Cariri (UFCA) with the Sexual Education Project in the school and academic curricula: sexuality and gender in a sociocultural perspective (2019). Worked as a research fellow (PIBIC/PRPI) in the Sexual Education Project in school curricula: problematization of discourses about sexuality and gender (2020). She is currently a research fellow (PIBIC/PRPI) in the Sexual Education Project in school curricula: problematization of discourses about sexuality and gender(2020). She has been working as a temporary teacher at the municipal public school system in Brejo Santo-CE since 2019. She has been working as an editorial assistant at Momento Magazine: dialogues in education at the Federal University of Rio Grande - FURG - Rio Grande, RS, Brazil. He is currently part of the Science Education Research Group (PEmCie). She is dedicated to researching Feminism, Femininity and Gender Violence at school.

Claudiene Santos, Federal University of Uberlandia/UFU

Post-doctoral carried out in the Grupo de Investigación Género, Estética y Cultura Audiovisual at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. PhD in Sciences (Psychology) and Master in Psychology - Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters FFCLRP/USP of the University of São Paulo. Specialist in Sexual Education by SBRASH/FMABC and Licensed and Bachelor in Biological Sciences by the Federal University of Uberlândia. Associate Professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia/Campus Pontal at the Instituto de Ciências Humanas do Pontal (since October/2021). Associate professor at the Federal University of Sergipe, in the Department of Biology- DBI/UFS (2010-2021) and professor at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Cinema and Social Narratives (PPGCINE/UFS), since 2016.


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How to Cite

de Jesus Souza, E., Paula da Rocha, E. ., & Santos, C. . (2023). “Everybody has a bikini body”: problematizing fatphobia and femininity patterns from the film Dumplin (2018). TOMO Review, 42, e18290. https://doi.org/10.21669/tomo.v42i.18290



Gender, Sexuality, and Resistance in the Arts: Perspectives from the Global South