Are there any black women in this telenovela? The representation of black women on “ Lado a lado”




Representation, Telenovela, Character, Black feminism, Lado a lado


The article analyzes the presence of black women in Rede Globo's telenovelas, focusing on “Lado a Lado” (2012-2013), considering the presence of black characters with protagonism. Our theoretical basis finds a dialogue grounded in the black feminist thought based on the reflections of Patricia Hill Collins and Lélia Gonzalez. We seek to undertake a content analysis highlighting the categories defended by these authors. The methodological process uses the concept developed by Diane Rose in “motion picture analysis”, which considers the specific analysis of Television Phenomenon. Our central tension is to understand how these representations act to break stereotyped notions of the black population in general and specifically of black women, or if they maintain racist and predetermined concepts.


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Author Biographies

Ana Ângela Faria Gomes, Federal University of Sergipe

Professor of the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Cinema (PPGCINE) and of the Cinema and Audiovisual Course at the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). Journalist and Master in Sociology from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), PhD in Communication Sciences from Unisinos. She coordinates the Audiovisual Research and Production Laboratory (LAPPA), the Maré Narrativa creation laboratory, and participates in the Interdisciplinary Nucleus of Cinema and Education (NICE). She works in particular with scripts, narratives, creation processes, space and education - all linked to Cinema research.

Victor Adriano Ramos, Federal University of Sergipe

He holds a degree in Social Communication - Audiovisual from the Federal University of Sergipe (2016) and a master's degree in Cinema and Social Narratives from the Federal University of Sergipe (2022). He has experience in the field of Communication, with emphasis on Social Communication, working mainly on the following subjects: representation, cinema, telenovela, religion and racial representation. In addition to interest in audiovisual narratives, televisualities and script. Freelance on screenwriter and editor.


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How to Cite

Farias Gomes, A. Ângela, & Ramos, V. A. (2023). Are there any black women in this telenovela? The representation of black women on “ Lado a lado”. TOMO Review, 42, e18803.



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