A Theoretical Approach to the Social Context of Drug Use


  • Ygor Diego Delgado Alves
  • Edward MacRae




The article deals with the social context of drug use based on the analysis of the contributions of Howard Becker, Norman Zinberg and Jean- -Paul Grund. These three authors emphasize, successively and cumulatively, the importance of the peer group, usage purpose, rituals and regulations, drug availability and finally the user’s life structure on the quality and consequences of the consumption of psychoactive substances. Their theoretical approaches draw attention to the importance of the social learning processes, market mechanisms and government regulation of substance supply, in addition to commitments, obligations and liabilities assumed in various socio-economic and cultural environments. Following their lead, it is argued that all these factors should be considered in the research and analysis of substance use.

Keywords: Drug use. Social context. Purpose of use. Rituals and rules


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Author Biographies

Ygor Diego Delgado Alves

Pós-doutorando em saúde coletiva na UNIFESP

Edward MacRae

Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais da UFBA


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How to Cite

Delgado Alves, Y. D., & MacRae, E. (2019). A Theoretical Approach to the Social Context of Drug Use. TOMO Review, (34), 81–114. https://doi.org/10.21669/tomo.v0i34.9850



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