Academic literacies, Teaching of writing, Academic articleAbstract
The purpose of this article is to describe and analyze a didactic approach proposal of the academic article (AA) genre, in the Portuguese teaching degree, at a Brazilian university. It is based on the studies of Academic Literacies, particularly on the academic writing teaching approaches proposed by Lea and Street (1998) – study skills, academic socialization and academic literacies. The didactic approach of the AA is directed to a group of the discipline Special Topics in Language – Academic Genres, offered remotely, in 2021, with synchronous and asynchronous classes. The didactic actions developed in the class are organized in three moments: (1) Academic research in Linguistics: what is it and how is it done ?; (2) Academic article in Linguistics: what is it and how is it done? and (3) Scientific production: from the research project to the academic article. The culmination of the development of these didactic actions is the submission of a summary of the EAA produced in the discipline for an academic event in the area of Portuguese teaching degree. The elaboration of this proposal is evaluated as productive, mainly because it provides students with formative feedback (WINGATE, 2010) of the written texts, moments of talk around the text (IVANIC, 1998), about the text history (LILLIS, 2003), favoring a more fruitful dialogue on academic writing.
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