Intersemiotic translation of Ophelia’s death in tragedy, painting and cinema

a reflection on the relation between the feminine and death




Ophelia. Painting. Tragedy. Cinema. Intersemiotic Translation.


This work discusses the death scene of Ophelia from the visual representations of her in the tragedy of Hamlet as a proportionate artistic manifestation of singular resignifications in painting and cinema. To do so, it addresses the corpus, namely beyond the tragedy Hamlet, the painting “Ophelia” of the painter John Everett Millais and the film Ophelia (2018) of the director Claire McCarthy as scriptures (BARTHES, 2004) whose senses become mobile because of the relationships it keeps between themselves. Thus, we analyze the intersemiotic translation (PLAZA, 2003) of tragedy for painting and from the painting for cinema, observing how these two forms of intertextuality (KRISTEVA, 1974) preserve the poetic image (NITRINI, 2021) generated by the reader’s aesthetic gaze on the death of Ophelia. Thus, the analysis of the texts are based on the view of Comparative Literature as a critical and analytical resource (CARVALHAL, 2006) in which the methods are performed by possible interpretations of the objects. It is believed, therefore, that this work becomes relevant because it gives protagonism to different resembled Ophelias for being behavioral archetypes whose beauty of death crosses centuries, being translated in different ways because of certain intentions of female identity constructions.


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Author Biographies

Clarissa Loureiro Marinho Barbosa, Universidade de Pernambuco - UPE

Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Letras da Universidade de Pernambuco, campus Petrolina (UPE). Mestre e doutora em teoria da literatura pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, UPFE. Tem pesquisas nas áreas de Literatura Comparada e Estudos Culturais.

Carlos Eduardo Japiassú de Queiroz, Universidade Federal de Sergipe - UFS

Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Universidade Federal de Sergipe – UFS.


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How to Cite

BARBOSA, Clarissa Loureiro Marinho; QUEIROZ, Carlos Eduardo Japiassú de. Intersemiotic translation of Ophelia’s death in tragedy, painting and cinema: a reflection on the relation between the feminine and death. Travessias Interativas, São Cristóvão-SE, v. 14, n. 30, p. 214–225, 2024. DOI: 10.51951/ti.v14i30.p214-225. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 oct. 2024.



Literatura e cinema: questões de adaptação cinematográfica