Mapping the boundaries understanding the transtextual nature of adaptations
Adaptation Theory. Transtextuality. Literature and Movies. Creativity and Originality.Abstract
In this article, by aiming to understand the concept of adaptation and what sets it apart from other forms of artistic creation, Hutcheon and Genette are put into dialogue, taking as a premise recognizing that every creative process is built upon prior references. Drawing upon Linda Hutcheon’s Theory of Adaptation, which engages with the ideas of both Linda Seger and Robert Stam, this article seeks to distinguish which elements of these theories can aid in making this distinction, while identifying others that may be less effective for this purpose. From an understanding of creativity and ideas of originality, the article reflects on the relationships between texts as an auxiliary criterion for deepening the definition of what can or cannot be considered an adaptation within Linda Hutcheon’s Theory of Adaptation. In this way, it takes for a good base the approach of Transtextuality in Gérard Genette, where the necessary tools for identifying the relationships between texts that characterize adaptations are found, providing the opportunity for a more refined contrast between adaptations and other works.
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