
  • Ana Carolina Fontes Figueiredo Mendes
  • João Mouzart de Oliveira Junior


The Human Right was developed in the Modern West in exchange for the exclusive discourse, which aimed to protect only the rational human being that fit into certain delimited cultural patterns, that is, the white, European, heterosexual, Christian and proprietary man. Thus, human dignity becomes inseparable from rationality, so those who do not fit this standard will not have the same guarantees and protection of the Human Rights. In this context, the selective violation of the vulnerable and excluded is constituted. The Human Right Labor, following the same dominant paradigm, aims to guarantee decent work to that belonging to the standard of rationality, so that workers who do not fit in this system, end up not having the same legal protection of others. Therefore, the law ends up allowing the domestic worker, who are usually women, that has less legal guarantees, and consequently a labor context of exploitation appears so intense that in certain cases, the occurrence of contemporary slave labor occurs. The research carries out exploratory investigations through bibliographic review with a decolonial reference. From the analysis of slave labor cases in the domestic context, the objective is to understand how the human right and work law, through colonial logic, creates categories of human beings and degrees of dignity, based on vulnerabilizantes and excluding, that allows existence of the inhuman exploitation of the worker.


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Author Biographies

Ana Carolina Fontes Figueiredo Mendes

Mestra em Direitos Humanos, Multiculturalismo e Desenvolvimento - Universidad Pablo de Olavide (2016). Mestrando em Direito – UFS); Especialista em Direito Público pela Faculdade Maurício de Nassau - Recife, UNINASSAU, Recife, Brasil. Advogada. Graduada em Direito.

João Mouzart de Oliveira Junior

Doutorando no Programa Multidisciplinar em Estudos Étnicos e Africanos na Universidade Federal da Bahia- UFBA.  Mestre em Antropologia Social pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe.  Especialista em Didática e Metodologia do ensino Superior e Em Gestão escolar com ênfase em Pedagogia empresarial pela Faculdade São Luís de França.



How to Cite

CAROLINA FONTES FIGUEIREDO MENDES, Ana; MOUZART DE OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, João. CONTEMPORARY SLAVE LABOUR: SELECTIVE DEHUMANIZING OF DOMESTIC WORKERS. DIKÉ Revista do Mestrado em Direito da UFS, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 51–74, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



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